A model for investigating repsonse times and the speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) by taking mean response time, response time variance, and accuracy of repsonse and transforming them into information quality, response conservativeness, and nondecision time. Thus, it quantifies performance on an SAT task in a manner that scores can be compared between participants.
The EZ-diffusion model for two-choice response time tasks takes mean response time, the variance of response time, and response accuracy as inputs. The model transforms these data via three simple equations to produce unique values for the quality of information, response conservativeness, and nondecision time. This transformation of observed data in terms of unobserved variables addresses the speed–accuracy trade-off and allows an unambiguous quantification of performance differences in two-choice response time tasks. The EZ- diffusion model can be applied to data-sparse situations to facilitate individual subject analysis.
A binary variable indicating correctness, summarized in a mean proportion correct
Amount of time elapsed from onset stimulus to reaction