Dynamic visbility time and evidence model (dynaViTE)

The model accounts for the relationship between task difficulty, choice, response time, and confidence judgments in perceptual decision tasks. It assumes a DDM based decision process with post-decisional accumulation time. In addition, it includes a second accumulation process (the visibility process) that accrues evidence about the task difficulty, which evolves in parallel and independent of the decision process. Confidence is based on the final amount of evidence from the decision process, the visibility process, and the total accumulation time.

Modeling frameworks
Evidence Accumulation Models

Models that explain decision making through the accumulation of evidence over time.

More details
How does the model work

The decision is based on a DDM: A Wiener process X, which is bounded between 0 and a, starts at a starting point (za, 0<z<1) and evolves with a diffusion constant s and drift rate v. The mean drift rate depends on the stimulus identity S, which is either -1 or 1, and the discriminability of the stimulus d, precisely E[v]=Sd. The drift rate is normally distributed between trials with standard deviation sv. In addition, the starting point of X (z) varies uniformly around its mean with range sz.

As soon as the process reaches one of the boundaries (time T), a choice R is triggered: T = min{t| X(t)=a or X(t)=0}. R=1, if X(T)=a, and R=-1, if X(T)=0. Therefore, the accuracy can be determined by S==R.

Post-decisional accumulation: After the response is triggered the Wiener process X continues to evolve for a fixed period of time (tau). The final accumulated decision evidence (X(T+tau)-za) is then scaled by the response direction R (such that positive values always indicate support for the decision, when R=-1) to inform confidence. (In the two-stage signal detection theory (2DSD; Pleskac & Busemeyer, 2010), confidence would be based on this variable.)

Parallel accumulation of evidence about difficulty (visibility): There is a second Wiener process, V, which always starts at 0 and evolves with a diffusion constant svis. Its drift rate is normally distributed between trials with a mean equal to the discriminability d and standard deviation sigvis. The process has no bounds and evolves until the decision process is also finished, i.e. the evidence from this process is V(T+tau).

Computation of confidence: Confidence is computed as a weighted sum between the evidence from the decision process and visibility process, divided by some power of the total accumulation time:

conf = ( wR(X(T+tau)-za) + (1-w) V(T+tau) ) / ( (T+tau)^lambda).

Here 0<w<1 is a weight parameter for the decision and visibility evidence and lambda>0 is the penalization parameter for the accumulation time.

Observed response times: Observed response times for the decision (without confidence judgments), are assumed to include an additional non-decision time component TN, which varies uniformly with minimum t0 and range st0, i.e. RT= T + TN. If confidence and decision are reported simultaneously, the observed response time is the sum of decision time, post-decisional accumulation time and non-decision time component, i.e. RT= T+tau+TN.

The discriminability is assumed to be varied experimentally.

Model variables
Reaction Time
Label: response time (RT)
Description: The time taken by a participant to respond to a stimulus.
Hellmann, S., Zehetleitner, M., & Rausch, M. (2024). Confidence Is Influenced by Evidence Accumulation Time in Dynamical Decision Models. Computational Brain &amp; Behavior, 7(3), 287–313. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42113-024-00205-9
Psychology disciplines
Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Mathematical psychology
Programming language


Software packages
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